Kao AB, Banerjee SC, Francisco FA, Berdahl AM (2024) Timing decisions as the next frontier for collective intelligence. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 39:P904-912.
   Winklmayr C, Kao AB, Bak-Coleman JB, Romanczuk P (2023) Collective decision strategies in the presence of spatio-temporal correlations. Collective Intelligence 2:1-13
   Kao AB, Hund AK, Santos FP, Young J-G, Bhat D, Garland J, Oomen RA, McCreery HF (2023) Opposing responses to scarcity emerge from functionally unique sociality drivers. The American Naturalist 202(3):302-321
   Galesic M, Barkoczi D, Berdahl AM, Biro D, Carbone G, Giannoccaro I, Goldstone RL, Gonzalez C, Kandler A, Kao AB, Kendal R, Kline M, Lee E, Massari GF, Mesoudi A, Olsson H, Pescetelli N, Sloman SJ, Smaldino PE, Stein DL (2023) Beyond collective intelligence: collective adaptation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20:20220736
   Bak-Coleman JB, Alfano M, Barfuss W, Bergstrom CT, Centeno MA, Couzin ID, Donges JF, Galesic M, Gersick AS, Jacquet J, Kao AB, Moran RE, Romanczuk P, Rubenstein DI, Tombak KJ, Van Bavel JJ, Weber EU (2021) Stewardship of global collective behavior. PNAS 118(27):e2025764118
   press release
   article in Vox
   Lutz MJ, Reid CR, Lustri CJ, Kao AB, Garnier S, Couzin ID (2021) Individual error correction drives responsive self-assembly of army ant scaffolds. PNAS 118(17):e2013741118
   Winklmayr C*, Kao AB*, Bak-Coleman JB, Romanczuk P (2020) The wisdom of stalemates: consensus and clustering as filtering mechanisms for improving collective accuracy. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B 287(1938):20201802. *Joint first authors.
   Guerra AS, Kao AB, McCauley DJ, Berdahl AM (2020) Fisheries-induced evolution of anti-social behavior in marine fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B 287(1935):20201752
   press release
   Kao AB, Couzin ID (2019) Modular structure within groups causes information loss but can improve decision accuracy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: B 374(1774):20180378
   press release
   Alisch T, Crall JD, Kao AB, Zucker D, de Bivort BL (2018) MAPLE (Modular Automated Platform for Large-scale Experiments), a robot for integrated organism-handling and phenotyping. eLife 2018;7:e37166
   Kao AB, Berdahl AM, Hartnett AT, Lutz MJ, Bak-Coleman JB, Ioannou CC, Giam X, Couzin ID (2018) Counteracting estimation bias and social influence to improve the wisdom of crowds. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15(141):20180130
   press release
   Berdahl AM*, Kao AB*, Flack A, Westley PAH, Codling EA, Couzin ID, Dell AI, Biro D (2018) Collective animal navigation and the emergence of migratory culture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: B 373(1746):20170009. *Joint first authors
   press release
   Graham JM*, Kao AB*, Wilhelm DA, Garnier S (2017) Optimal construction of army ant living bridges. Journal of Theoretical Biology 435:184-198. *Joint first authors.
   article in Quanta
   article in The Washington Post
   Reid CR, Lutz MJ, Powell S, Kao AB, Couzin ID, Garnier S (2015) Army ants dynamically adjust living bridges in response to a cost-benefit trade-off. PNAS 112(49):15113-15118
   Kao AB, Miller N, Torney C, Hartnett A, Couzin ID (2014) Collective learning and optimal consensus decisions in social animal groups. PLoS Computational Biology 10(8):e1003762
   Kao AB, Couzin ID (2014) Decision accuracy in complex environments is often maximized by small group sizes. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B 281(1784):20133305
   article in National Geographic
   article in article in Bloomberg
   article in The Telegraph
   Strandburg-Peshkin A, Twomey CR, Bode NW, Kao AB, Katz Y, Ioannou CC, Rosenthal SB, Torney CJ, Wu H, Levin SA, Couzin ID (2013) Visual sensory networks and effective information transfer in animal groups. Current Biology 23:R709-R711
   Swain DT, Leonard NE, Couzin ID, Kao A, Sepulchre RJ (2008) Alternating spatial patterns for coordinated group motion. 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
   Gabel CV, Gabel H, Pavlichin D, Kao A, Clark DA, and Samuel ADT (2007) Neural circuits mediate electrosensory behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Neuroscience 27(28): 7586-7596